Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Finally its the End ..

Only few words are left, finally am almost done with this project, which was very helpful, and I had a lot of fun while working on it. I learned many things from this project, which was focusing on global warming issue. The most important thing I learned is the dangerous of this issue, and how to try reducing the causes of it. Another thing I learned is how to create my own blog on the web.
Although the project had a lot of sections, but it was really fun, it thought me how to work on a project week by week without missing any task. To some up there are many thing that I learned, so I need a whole day to talk about the benefits I got from this project. Hope that you like it all. Have a nice time browsing through my own space.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Individual Action

Everyone in this world must take an action and try to reduce global warming. An a action that I think will reduce carbon emission is to use our cars in important cases only, so instead of me and my cousins going to college in 2 cars we will go in 1 car, and instead of going to close places by cars we can go walking or on a bicycle which will be a kind of exercise. This what many people in western countries do, in many countries you will see people going to their work by bicycles which keep them healthy for a long time.
Such as in this picture i posted, this is a bicycles parking in a university

UAE & Global Warming

After reading some articles that are related to my country I was interested about the article I read in . As we all know one of the main causes of global warming is carbon emission, and this article shows that the UAE contribute just 2.7% of these emissions, which is very low compared to other countries in Europe, and America. Another point that this article mentioned is that global warming will cause insurance companies a loss of money if the see level continue rising. The article also suggested some solution for global warming such as replace bulbs with saving energy bulbs, recycle waste and water and support alternative energy option.

Another interesting article was in . In this article it said that UAE and its energy consumption beat the USA in harming the environment. The article talked about how people in UAE use air conditioner in houses, businesses, cars, malls and everywhere because of the dessert environment that make it impossible to live without air conditioner. The WWF report says that UAE should cut emissions, but it’s not easy to educate many people from different nationalities on how to save the environment individually. Furthermore, UAE and especially Dubai claims the busiest airport. This country’s energy consumption is high and emissions are spread among its small population.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

A specific effect of global warming

Global warming has a severe impact on human health as well as animals. The rising of temperature that makes it extremely high may lead to the death of people who have heart problems. Besides, as the weather is mixed with carbon dioxide that caused by the burning of gasoline, the respiratory problems will increase. Because the climate changes from place to other, some people die from the cold as well as from the heat. Furthermore, many diseases started to spread all around the world and especially in the poor countries; diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.

Effects of global warming

The impacts of global warming are not limited and cannot be predicted.
It has effects on weather, oceans, ecosystems, environment, and health. Rising global temperature will raise sea level and change local climate condition. It also may have an affect on human health. Since the temperature is getting high it causes the death of many people and especially people with heart problems. It warms the sea surface temperature that causes hurricanes. In addition, it will increase the rainfall, evaporation, and more severe rainstorm. Global warming is expected to spread diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Furthermore, rising global temperature causes forest fires to occur. Global warming has impacts on many other things too like economy and agriculture.

A specific cause of global warming

Global warming poses serious threat and it was occurred from some human activities on earth. The primary cause of the rising of global temperature is burning fossil fuels and gasoline and some more. To run cars and trucks, to heat homes and businesses, and to power factories we should burn gasoline and use such energy. As a result of that, the use of automobiles and others that need to burn fossil fuels creates tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which causes global warming.

Causes of global warming

Global warming has different causes that created many effects and impacts on the earth. Carbon dioxide and other air pollution in the atmosphere trap the sun’s heat which causes the planet to get warm. In addition, the use of automobiles like cars creates also tons of carbon dioxide in the air. The greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases trap some of the energy too. As a result, greenhouses increased the global temperature. Actually, the primary cause is the burning of fossil fuels to run cars, trucks and heat homes; besides other human activities that increases the carbon dioxide.