Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Finally its the End ..

Only few words are left, finally am almost done with this project, which was very helpful, and I had a lot of fun while working on it. I learned many things from this project, which was focusing on global warming issue. The most important thing I learned is the dangerous of this issue, and how to try reducing the causes of it. Another thing I learned is how to create my own blog on the web.
Although the project had a lot of sections, but it was really fun, it thought me how to work on a project week by week without missing any task. To some up there are many thing that I learned, so I need a whole day to talk about the benefits I got from this project. Hope that you like it all. Have a nice time browsing through my own space.

1 comment:

Mohamed Alhameli said...

I think i have learned many things about this problem and we all should take it serious...